Why Wellness Works

Lorraine Clissold
Founder, Wellness Works

What do we know about it anyway?
'In an earlier life I studied Qi Gong at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. The professor concluded the course with words: 'Take what you have learned, make it your own, and when you are ready, teach somebody else'.
Lorraine is a wellness and lifestyle coach, advanced yoga teacher (ERT-500) and trainer (YACEP). She has over 3,500 hours teaching experience and has developed programmes for a wide clientele including small and larger companies, schools, care homes, day centres, and even the British Army. She is also a published author and former life she presented a food programme on Chinese Television.
‘I believe passionately that every individual is responsible for his or her own physical, mental and spiritual well-being - but we all need a little help along the way. My own life has been transformed by some amazing mentors - and now I am excited about empowering others.'
‘In the ten years I spent in China I learned that the Eastern way to health is about nourishing our bodies and building our energy rather than following unsustainable diets and strenuous fitness programmes.'
‘The gentle exercises I teach are designed to help you connect with their your individual mind body complex. And my wellness teachings are also developed from the Eastern concept of balance and harmony in all aspects of life.'
'I was brought with a sister who had complex physical and learning disability needs and this formative experience has, to a degree brought me to where I am today. I feel passionately about sharing and caring'.
A qualified teacher Karen was not surprisingly drawn to the caring professional where she has worked all her adult life. She has run her own care consultancy service since 2017, supporting care services to improve. She has also previously worked as a care inspector and as a manager within the local authority.
At Wellness Works Karen is particularly passionate about promoting wellbeing within the care sector.
'Alongside my work in mainstream health care I have developed a deep interest in holistic well-being and feel that is has a role in every business, workplace and home but I particularly hope to support those caring for others.'
Karen loves her complementary business as a massage therapist, practices yoga and enjoys walking in the beautiful North Yorkshire Moors.
'I want to share the practices that have helped me so much so that others can experience calm, and balance and navigate their life changes with strength and self compassion. Thus building a community that is happy, healthy and kind.'
Gill is a qualified children’s nurse and has worked in many different areas of this discipline. She is also a qualified yoga Ayuredic yoga and natural therapy and children's yoga teacher.
'My work as a children's nurse has been hugely rewarding but also fast paced stressful and emotive. Like a lot of people, experiencing the covid lock down whilst working within the NHS was a difficult time. I also reached a milestone birthday and I began to reflect and reassess my life and this led me to explore in more depth the healing aspects of yoga.
'Like many people I had previously considered yoga as a form of exercise involving twisting, bending and sweating. But as I had experienced a high amount of stress I began to use breath work, meditation and gentle movement to calm my nervous system, and found that I had more clarity, focus and energy and I slept better.'
'Life brings us many challenges, highs, lows and everything in between but now I know that if I come to my mat, breathe and move gently it will help me navigate whatever I am facing'.
Why Now
We interact
We feel we are ready to support, share and empower..
And we feel the time is right.........the world has woken up to the need to for wellness in the workplace and beyond
Modern research has validated ancient wisdom. There is no doubt that the mind is placed firmly in the body and the health of one is linked to the health of the other. Our paths have gifted us the tools to help you find your way through the maze of Mind Body therapies and techniques, promises and patter. - we are here is to help you help yourselves.
In past generations a degree of secrecy surrounded powerful ‘Mind/Body’ healing practices that were passed on from sage or guru to student. Those lucky enough to be at the receiving end might well feel the benefit but seldom understood how it all worked. Sadly most of these techniques were not available to the majority of the population. Even when they became more available they were regarded with a degree of suspicion.
The amount of information we can now access about healing practices and techniques is vast and literally at our fingertips. We can find our own path to a deeper Mind/Body connection. This can be empowering, but there is so much information available it can also be overwhelming.
At Wellness Works we are here to reduce that sense of not knowing where to start. We aim to help you find your way through the maze of Mind/Body therapies and techniques, promises and patter. Our team has three adult lifetimes of experience in the wellness and care worlds, teaching, advising, mentoring and caring.
Accessible to all
Our teaching approach is about creating a supportive and inclusive space for practitioners to explore and grow. As such our preference is to work with small groups face to face, though we will support with online training. We do not offer self-led courses, as we want to offer personalized guidance and provide an opportunity for shared experience. Our courses foster self-exploration, self-awareness, and positive transformation.
Our style is less about form and more about process. Much of our teaching focuses on soothing the hyper stimulated nervous system to elicit the para-sympathetic (rest and digest) response. Resting not stretching. Breathing not panting. Being not doing.
Each of our courses introduces techniques that work. We explain ‘why’ and ‘how’ - but exactly what each person takes away is very individual. You might enjoy learning with us for personal development, your own search for wellness, or to gain expertise to share with others.
Our tried and tested practices are adapted for modern lifestyles. They do not need special equipment or clothing, are accessible to all and not a bit intimidating. Nor is the time commitment involved in studying with us, or practicing or delivering what you learn too daunting.
Some of techniques that we will share can be accomplished in as little as three minutes. But of course we will show you how to put elements together for longer sessions if liked. Our aim is to facilitate a real understanding of simple wellness practices so you can make them your own.
It's your journey